
Blueberries, what a delight! A bowl of blueberries disappears in no time with us. Besides their irresistible taste, they are also rich in vitamin C, B1, B2, calcium, and iron. Our dedication to these delicious berries is evident in the careful attention we give them, selecting only the very best varieties.

During our search, we discovered a new generation of blueberries. They excel in taste, have a wonderfully coarse texture, provide a fantastic bite, and are available all year round. With us, they receive the care and love they deserve, resulting in a flavour experience that exceeds expectations.



Our incredibly delicious blue companions are available throughout all seasons, allowing you to indulge in their flavourful splendour year-round. With their delightful sweetness and irresistibly crisp texture, they never fail to deliver a taste sensation that never disappoints.

It’s a real treat that you can welcome at any time of the year, promising a harmonious blend of natural goodness and flavourful delight in every bite you take. Discover the versatility of our little friends and let your taste buds be surprised, season after season!

Our berries

In addition to blueberries, our Beekers Berries collection includes strawberries, raspberriesblackberriesredcurrants, and specialties. These are grown with warmth, respect, love, and expertise so that you can fully enjoy our berries all year round.

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