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Whole wheat sandwich met blackberries

Looking for a healthy yet incredibly delicious snack? Then our whole wheat sandwich with blackberries is an absolute must-try! The juicy blackberries from Beekers Berries perfectly complement the sandwich, and thanks to its whole wheat nature, this treat is also surprisingly filling. Be amazed by this delightful combination of taste and nutrition!

Ingredients & supplies

For 4 servings | 15 minutes preparation time




  • 1 knife
  • 4 plates for serving


  1. Bring the blackberries to room temperature and wash them gently.
  2. Spread the pesto on the whole wheat slices of bread and halve the blackberries.
  3. Place the halved blackberries on the slices of bread.
  4. Sprinkle with chia seeds.
  5. Optionally, add a pinch of pepper.

And… serve! Enjoy,

Have you made the delicious whole wheat sandwich with blackberries? Share your photo on social media and tag us @beekersberries!

Nutritional value per serving

Calories: 180 kcal | Protein: 6 g | Carbohydrates: 21 g | Sugars: 3 g | Fat: 8 g


Our blackberries

Our Beekers Berries blackberries are a delicious addition to your healthy snack. With their sweet taste, juiciness, and beautiful black color, they make every snack a feast.


Meet our blackberries

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